— No current call for submissions —
Previous call for submissions (now closed):
Special Issue on Colonialism and National Liberation
When the first issue of Material was released, an upsurge of Palesatinian resistance against Israeli colonialism in Gaza, as well as the unrestrained expansion of genocidal violence against the Palestinian people began. These still unfolding events should remind us that colonialism in all of its forms and the necessity of national self-determination are not historical leftovers but ongoing problems and the sites of sharp contradictions in this late stage of imperialism. Critical for understanding the struggles of the colonies and semi-colonies, is also the fact that some of the most powerful imperialist states (the US and Canada, for example) are themselves settler-colonial formations.
Hence, we think it is important to structure the next issue of Material around the subject of colonialism and national liberation in the current phase of imperialism. We invite potential submitters who have considered the following interrelated subjects: the meaning and prospects of national liberation struggles and anti-colonial movements in this historical context, the persistence of colonialism and settler-colonialism under contemporary imperialism, notions of Indigenous resistance, the meaning of the theory of the national question in the current conjuncture, and other related topics.
For prose submissions (articles, essays, fiction) please format your work in a standard Word or Open Office page, double-spaced, with a limit of 8000 words. Poetry submissions should be no longer than 3000 words, spaced and arranged according to how the author wants the poem to appear on A5 dimensions. Visual art (photographs, drawings, etc.) can be submitted in any image format but should be 300 dpi, 148×210 mm minimum. Do not submit PDF files and please use Times New Roman, 12 point. Scholarly work that requires citation should use footnotes and Chicago 17th Edition rules for formatting. All submissions will be submitted to a review process by scholars/organizers in the relevant fields.
All work should be submitted to material.contact@protonmail.com. If you have an idea of something you would like to write for us, or you would like to send letters in response to work we have published, you can also contact us at that email address.